Masterclass Marketing & Branding @Impact Hub

Impact Hub Amsterdam

In Februari volgend jaar start de ondernemersopleiding Enter to Transform. Alles komt dan aan bod: van idee tot prototype, van marketing tot financiën. In samenwerking met Impact Hub Amsterdam kunnen we nu alvast een voorproefje geven van wat je dan kan verwachten. Meldt je aan voor de online Masterclass Marketing & Branding via de link […]

Info Walk-in

Newest Art Organization Pieter Nieuwlandstraat 112, Amsterdam

In February we'll kick-off the entrepreneurship training Enter to Transform. During the training, we'll cover it all: from idea to prototype, from marketing to financing. This afternoon you're welcome at Newest Art Organization's office in Amsterdam. To get to know (some) of us, ask all your questions and get some more background than we can […]

Info Walk-in

Newest Art Organization Pieter Nieuwlandstraat 112, Amsterdam

In February we'll kick-off the entrepreneurship training Enter to Transform. During the training, we'll cover it all: from idea to prototype, from marketing to financing. This afternoon you're welcome at Newest Art Organization's office in Amsterdam. To get to know (some) of us, ask all your questions and get some more background than we can […]