‘Vrouwen van het azc’ is a group of women (trans, lesbian, bisexual, old, young) who take care of the safe space ‘de vrouwenruimte’ in the asylum seeker center (azc) in Amsterdam New West. The women can use the space as they see fit for their actions, talents and skills, they can define the program. In the space we have a variety of creative materials, sewing machines, books and computers. We also organize meetings (if covid-19 measures allow it). You can get a hair cut by Layla, or a facial by Ilham, practice Dutch with Lorijn, get informed about your rights by Mona and Annette. It is a collective of women with and without a refugee background who share their networks and knowledge on an entirely equal basis. The collective offers workshops on entrepreneurship, women’s rights, crafts with and for women in the asylum seekers center. This project gives women the tools for self empowerment. For more information check out the Facebook page or contact Annette Kouwenhoven