With a background in IT and work experience as a chef, I started my life in the Netherlands. I always try to perfect the things I make, in cooking as well as in every other thing in life. However, I never felt very passionate about anything else but music and Art.
My story with making instruments started when I bought an old instrument from a second hand store, and tried to play it. It was old and not functioning so I tried to fix it, so I can play music. I then started watching videos and reading about oud making, and started studying music.
Three years later now, my name in the oud making industry became known. Oud makers and musicians around the world contact me and give compliments and feedback, but also ask technical questions and advise. Now if you ask me what makes me happy, and want to keep going, I would say it’s music and oud making, only now I’m enjoying life the way it should be enjoyed.